. : 3D Engine : .

Brand / IP

Nintendo, Super Mario


JavaScript, C++, Haxe, Kha, WebGL, Bullet Physics, OGEX file format, Vulkan, SPIR-V, Shader Model 450


1.5 Months

Live Demo


Jump up and down various slopes. Can you balance on the nose of a dolphin?

NOTE: 404s or errors? Click here for fullscreen ↗

Controls (Refresh if you get stuck):

WASD to move
ARROWS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Q&E rotate camera
F1 toggle FPS
O Jump
SPACEBAR ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
NUMPAD9 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
LeftClick enter fullscreen mode
Esc exit fullscreen mode


Game screenshot: water shader with low-poly Italian city.

Super jump (by holding the key) to far off destinations.

As of right now it is still very easy to get caught in the mesh and the 'R' key for reset does not quite work. Mainly because the camera system is being built in a different project and they have not been merged yet.

Edited assets from Models-Resource.com ↗


Game screenshot: 3D platforming on rooftops. Hills & terrain with a sewer & docks.

Often building out from tutorials and existing code causes sluggish performance. This engine in particular would freeze every few minutes for unknown reasons. Usually that can be traced to memory leaks and repeated calls in critical areas of the graphics pipeline.

Some debugging locates the main bottleneck at a repeated pipeline call in RenderTexture. By returning on Init, the problem is solved.

However, this project is fun to tinker with. Optimizing here. Cleaning-up and commenting there. Now nearly every line has been modified, including the controls and jump physics.


3D Game screenshot: Bullet Physics triangle collision mesh.

Bullet Physics ↗ allows for complex collision between meshes. The JavaScript version uses AmmoJS (a port of Bullet). This generates a proxy collision mesh for the stage (currently at run-time).


3D Game screenshot:  Underwater opacity blend & screen fill.
  • ☑⁡⁡ Tint: when the camera goes below the water level.
  • ☑⁡⁡ Fast Z-fog: for various hazes (and possibly darkness) is in, but not ready for viewing in this version.


3D Game screenshot: Mario overlooking an optimized & camera culled city.
  • ☑⁡⁡ UI and key binding.
  • ☑⁡⁡ Use UI to swap assets (like player models and stages).
  • ☑⁡⁡ Integrate camera system.
  • ☑⁡⁡ Pre-generate collision meshes (faster load and improved collision).
  • ☑⁡ ⁡Local multiplayer.
  • ☑⁡⁡ Netplay.